MegaSceneryEarth has released scenery covering Puerto Rico in photorealistic detail.
The package features the latest version 3.0 scenery from MegaSceneryEarth, which captures the rich greens and hues of the rainforest and farmland with red/orange clay soil to the tropical white beaches.
The scenery covers the island of Puerto Rico including the eastern islands of Isla de Culebra and Vieques at a 0.59m/pix resolution with more than 700 miles of hand-etched tropical coastline complete with waves and semi-transparent tropical reefs. In addition, 24 default airports have been realigned and correctly placed.
A full set of PDF aeronautical charts for Puerto Rico including instrument approach charts, airport diagrams and terminal area charts for Puerto Rico are also included.
The package is compatible with FSX, FSX: Steam Edition and Prepar3D.
Click here for more information on the MegaSceneryEarth website
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