Shade Tree Micro Aviation (STMA) has released the Pilatus PC-12/47G for X-Plane 10 and 11.
The aircraft features 15 high-resolution liveries, animated doors, realistic lighting and wing icing effects. The flight model was made with the cooperation of a Swiss PC-12 pilot and is designed to be used by both casual X-Plane users and professional pilots.
Other features include a virtual cockpit, which uses the new X-Plane manipulator and the systems and instruments replicate the ones in the real aircraft. The complex custom avionics include two X-Plane XP530 GPS, both of which are controlled through the PC-12 Electronic Flight Control System (EFIS). This can be autopilot-coupled, providing the ability to fly complex flight plans based on VOR/ADF or RNAV waypoints.
External animations are a ground power unit and a remote control tug to move the aircraft into and out of our HangarOps animated hangers. The package also comes with a new popup STMA dock which enables you to operate the doors and window blinds; pop up portions of the instrument panels to make adjusting settings more easy for aging eyes; and instantaneously swapping out the cabin between the Luxury Passenger and Medical Evacuation.
Documentation consists of real equipment manuals and authentic Pilatus PC-12/47 pilots information manual (PIM) to describe the aircraft’s systems.
An auto-updater is also included to checks for updates every time you load an AU-enabled model in X-Plane.
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