Caravan Updated

Carenado has updated the C208B Grand Caravan EX HD Series to Version 2.

New features include a weather radar, different transponder modes, a 2D pop-up autopilot, improved G1000 functionality and better 3D knobs. Exterior lighting effects have also been improved along with better performance in the virtual cockpit, new sounds and minor bugs fixes.

Halo effects for the landing/taxi lights, vibrations on stall/take-off, cold & dark start option and a cargo pod have also been added along with full compatibility with Prepa3D and FSX: Steam Edition.

G1000 Features
• TAWS (Terrain Awareness and Warning System) and TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) with visual and audible alerts
• Customisable AUX page
• Inset map with traffic, topography and terrain awareness

Click here for more information on Carenado’s website

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