An AAC Apache has force-landed in Suffolk.
February 23: At approx 2230 hrs on Tuesday, February 21, Army Air Corps Apache ZJ202 was out on a training mission when it struck the top earth cable of power lines near Tattingstone, Ipswich in Suffolk. The cable, suspended between pylons, was severed it in two and draped itself across the live cables below, narrowly missing a railway line.
The Apache was forced to make an emergency landing after clearing a line of trees and landed in a field approximately 400 meters from the pylons. The crew were apparently unhurt in the incident and by daybreak the area surrounding the helicopter had been cordoned off with a team from Wattisham Airfield securing the site to allow recovery work to begin. Low-level flying training is an essential for the crews, which includes night flying to prepare them for operations in Afghanistan.
Three hundred homes in the locality were without power for a few hours. It is believed that the Apache is not seriously damaged.
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